Giving to St Mary's Church

Please consider setting up a standing order or making a one-off donation via your bank, either online or by telephone. The account details for Saint Mary’s account are as follows:

Account name: Beighton PCC
Sort code: 16-33-05
Account number: 11150736
Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)

Give a little - St Mary's Donation Page

Please use the QR code above for a one off or to set up a monthly donation to the work of St Mary’s Church Beighton, or use this link:

If you're in the Church Building, we have a contactless card machine, which enables the church to take contactless donations, as well as card payments for fees such as weddings and baptisms. We still have our collection plate which is kept at the back of church, should people wish to give donations in cash at services. 

If you are a UK Taxpayer, and are happy for us to claim on your donation, St Mary's can also claim Gift Aid on your donation, please ask one of our Churchwardens for a Gift Aid Declaration form. 

For more information: Gift Aid for Churches

If you wish to leave a legacy to St Mary the Church, Beighton in your will, please go to the Church of England website for more information.

Leaving a Legacy to the Church in your Will


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